Monday, March 29, 2010

Using LEDs

A number of people have asked me about using LEDs in my miniatures and rooms and wondered if I used Novalyte™ LEDs. I don't; I usually assemble my own using some VERY small components. The photos give some idea of their size: that's a regular toothpick and the ruler divisions are 1/16 inch.

Why work with the little LEDs - because I can't get the results I want from ready made products here are two examples


  1. Ah!! - this info about LEDs is absolute treasure. Thanks!!

  2. Peter! Welcome to the blogosphere, I just heard about your blog from I'm so excited to follow your blog. I've admired your work for years and it is great to be able to learn more about you and your work here. The work you do with LEDs is incredible. I have been trying to work with LEDs but it is cumbersome. Thanks for blogging!!!

  3. I am a complete novice when it comes to lighting! I did try some LED lights in a 1:144 house I made. I like the way they look but I too, found them cumbersome. Would love to learn how to make my own!


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